Our previous experience within the community has meant we have been able to establish a strong communication network that we are proud to call our partners.

Inspire Lewisham
Working with Inspire Lewisham to support residents of Lewisham Council’s to develop skills and support in finding employment opportunities within the creative industries. Also we work with them to provide new short term and long term apprenticeship opportunities and support employment growth within the community. For more information please visit www.gold.ac.uk/inspire-lewisham

Ramblers Walking for health
Since 2019 Ramblers Walking for Health has been running with support from Sport England. ‘Walking for Health’ walks are developed to be accessible to people who have done little or no exercise before, or who need more support to stay fit and active. We are proud to facilitate a Walking for Health event, on the first Sunday of each month, held at Beckenham Place Park. This is usually a 30 – 60 minutes gentle walk depending on the participants on the day.
The family mindfulness walks focus on slowing down, having fun, connecting with our body, nature and our community. The aim is to ensure that everyone will have access to a short, free and friendly walk within easy reach of where they live; to help them become more active. For more information please visit www.walkingforhealth.org.uk/content/family-mindfulness-beckenham-place-park

Industrial Dwellings Society
Industrial Dwellings Society (IDS) is committed to their central mission of improving the quality of life and opportunities for their local residents, communities and we support them by creating a wide range of design tools to communicate and stimulate the target audiences. Our social value partnership with IDS goes beyond our commitment, and we work to provide long-term benefits, positive changes to their well-being, healthy lifestyle and a lasting community legacy. For more information please visit www.ids.org.uk

Lewisham Home
Lewisham Homes is a social housing provider, managing properties across Lewisham on behalf of Lewisham Council. They manage approximately 19,000 homes, that is around 47,000 residents and 15% of the total residents in the Borough. They also operate their own maintenance company and develop new homes. The welfare of the community and impact they have on the area is incredibly important. Through their 500 strong staff, they are continually finding new and innovative ways to invest and partner within the local community. For more information please visit www.lewishamhomes.org.uk

We enjoy the outstanding support from LUV. Our industry creative partner comprises some of the leading brands in healthcare, government departments, built environment and provide invaluable volunteers, in-kind resources, and other support. Their passion, creativity and skills help us make a huge difference to so many lives across different parts of the communities. For more information please visit www.luvgroup.co.uk

Supporting LUV Charity to create environmental, economic and social benefits in the communities they serve and matters a great deal to them. As a forward thinking organisation we support them to identify, capture and showcase the impact they deliver and the value they add, in order to differentiate themselves amongst their peers. We do this by providing genuinely innovative, user centric and flexible technological solutions.

Family Sangha
We are proud to be associated and partnering with Family Sangha to facilitate / promote their aim and to create an intergenerational mindfulness for people of all ages to come together as a mindful family. Their experience of all age family meditation groups on retreats has been of creating wonderful connections across age groups, and we believe that children benefit from a loving, spiritual community just as much as adults do. For more information please visit www.familysanghalondon.com

The Photography Foundation
Creating pathways to professional photography for less advantaged young adults in London through education, professional development and alternative routes to creative careers. We value talent and motivation over who you know or where you come from.
” This is a place where young people can find inspiration, technical knowledge and an understanding of the creative industry in a space that offers them the freedom to experiment and find their creative voice ” – Jess Bonham, Photographer